Prof. Gustawa Stendig-Lindberg MD, LRCPI, LRCSI

                                                     ARTICLES ~ Contined...



Gustawa Stendig-Lindberg 

        Papers presented at Scientific Meetings published in Proceedings/Abstracts 

  1. Stendig-Lindberg G. Koeller W, Bauer A, Rob PM.

    Experimentally induced prolonged magnesium deficiency causes osteoporosis in the rat. 

    10th International Magnesium Symposium, Cairns, North Queensland, Australia, September 7 �11, 2003 (in press).


  2. Stendig-Lindberg G.

    The two compartment distribution of Magnesium; its effect on treatment and on the correct interpretation of its results. 

    Abstracts. II Meeting of the Israel Society for Magnesium Research, Tel-Aviv University, October 11th 2002,

    Magnesium.    Res. 16, 2003.


  3. Stendig-Lindberg G, Koeller W, Bauer A, Rob PM.

    Prolonged magnesium deficiency causes osteoporosis in the rat.

    The Fourth Research Fair of the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University.

    April 14, 2003, Women�s Health, Y-2, p 312.


  4. Stendig-Lindberg G,

    Magnesium treatment increases the maximal voluntary muscle contraction force in magnesium depleted patients. 

    The Israeli Association of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Medex 2001,
    14th Israeli Week,  September 4-6, 2001. Abstracts, p 24.


  5. Stendig-Lindberg G.

    Maximal voluntary contraction force improves in magnesium treated, magnesium depleted patients. 

    7th European Magnesium Symposium, September 19-21, 2001, Zaragoza, Spain. Abstracts. 

    Magnesium Res.  2002, 15, p 132.


  6. Rob PM, Bauer A, Stendig-Lindberg G.

    Low magnesium intake is an aetiological factor in the development of osteoporosis in the rat.

    7th European Magnesium  Symposium, September 19-21, 2001, Zaragoza, Spain, Abstracts.

    Magnesium Res  2002, 15 p 105.


  7. Stendig-Lindberg G.

    Magnesium treatment increases maximal voluntary contraction force in magnesium depleted patients.

    Research Fair of the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, April 4, 2001, Abstracts.

    Rehabilitation Sciences   F13, p 87.


  8. Stendig-Lindberg G.

    Long term oral magnesium treatment in post menopausal osteoporosis. 

    Research. Fair of The Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, April 4, 2001, Abstracts.

    Medicine for the Golden Age, T8, p 348.


  9. Stendig-Lindberg G.

    Follow up of magnesium treated postmenopausal osteoporosis.

    Abstracts, 1st Meeting of Israel Society  for Magnesium Research, 

    Tel-Aviv University, June 6th, 2000, Magnesium Res.  2000,  13, 312.     


  10. Onn A., Pretz-Mor R., Stendig-Lindberg G., Greiff J., Levo Y., Fireman E., Kivity S.

    Magnesium levels in various body compartments and asthma.

    Abstracts, 1st Meeting of Israel Society for Magnesium Research, Tel-Aviv University, June 6th, 2000.

    Magnesium Res. 2000, 13, 310.


  11. Stendig-Lindberg G.,

    The deleterious effects of chronic magnesium deficiency (MD) found as a sequel to exertion and heat exposure.
    Annual Meeting of Israel Society for Physiology and Pharmacology. Ma�ale Hachamisha 6-7 October, 1999,

    Program & Abstracts p #33.


  12. Stendig-Lindberg G., Shapiro Y., Tepperberg, M., Moran D.

    The pitfalls of prolonged physical training.

    F.I.S.E.B. Federation of the Israeli Societies of Experimental Biology

    8-11 December, 1998, Program & Abstract Book, B-47, p.183.


  13. Stendig-Lindberg G., Shapiro Y., Tepperberg, M., Moran D.

    The pitfalls of prolonged physical training.

    Magnesium Research 11, 233, 1998.


  14. Stendig-Lindberg G., Shapiro Y., Tepperberg, M., Moran D.

    The pitfalls of prolonged physical training.

    The VI European Magnesium Congress, May 13-16, 1998, Budapest, Hungary.

    Book of Abstracts, p.13.


  15. Stendig-Lindberg G., Shapiro Y., Tepperberg, M., Moran D.

    The pitfalls of prolonged physical training.

    Poster Abstracts of Research of the Postgraduate School of the Medical Faculty of Tel-Aviv University.

    April 8, 1998, p. 37.


  16. Stendig-Lindberg G., Moran D., Shapiro Y.

    How Significant is Magnesium in Thermoregulation?

    Poster Abstracts of Research of the Postgraduate School of the Medical Faculty of Tel-Aviv University.

    April 8, 1998, p.38.


  17. Stendig-Lindberg G., Moran D. Shapiro Y.

    Magnesium in Thermoregulation.

    Israeli J Med. Sci, 33, 833, 1997.


  18. Stendig-Lindberg G., Moran D. Shapiro Y.

    Magnesium in thermoregulation.

    Annual Meeting of Israel Soc. for Physiol and Pharmacol. Ma'ale Hahamisha, 6-7. 11. 1997.

    Program and Abstract, p.13.


  19. Stendig-Lindberg G., Moran D. Shapiro Y.

    Magnesium in Thermoregulation.

    VIII international Symposium on Magnesium, Heraklion, Crete, Greece,

    Oct 5-9, 1997. Book of Abstracts, p.36.


  20. Stendig-Lindberg G.

    Long term oral magnesium treatment in postmenopausal osteoporosis.

    The First Mediterranean Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

    Herzliya, May 1996, Program and Abstract, p. 97.


  21. Stendig-Lindberg G.

    Long term oral magnesium treatment in postmenopausal osteoporosis.

    The Spring Meeting of the Israeli Physiological Society, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, March 1996, p.B2.


  22. Stendig-Lindberg G.

    Long term oral magnesium treatment in postmenopausal osteoporosis.

    Tenth Int. Workshop on Calcified Tissue, Jerusalem, March 1996,Program and Abstract Book, P.124.


  23. Stendig-Lindberg G.

    Long term magnesium treatment in postmenopausal osteoporosis.
    Poster Abstracts, 1996 Gordon Research Conference on Magnesium in Biochemical Processes, Ventura, Ca, USA.


  24. Tabibian B. and Stendig-Lindberg G.

    Is alcohol dependence, alcohol withdrawal and alcohol encephalophathy mediated by disinhibition of the NMDA receptors due to
    magnesium deficiency?

    Magnesium Research.  7, 59, 1994.


  25. Stendig-Lindberg G.

    Trabecular bone density after prolonged administration of maintenance dose of peroral. 

    Magnesium in postmenopausal osteoporosis.

    Magnesium Research., 7, 34-35, 1994.


  26. Stendig-Lindberg G. Sorkin P., Greenberg E., Graff E., Geller E.,

    Erythrocyte and mononuclear magnesium content in non-cardiac intensive care patients.

    Magnesium Research. , 7, 16, 1994.


  27. Katcharov O. Niv. D., Stendig-Lindberg G.

    Serum and urinary magnesium levels in chronic pain.

    First International Congress of the Israeli Pain Association.

    Paradigm of Pain. Abstracts. p. 53, 1994.


  28. Stendig-Lindberg G.

    Prevalence of low back pain in an Israeli urban population sample.

    5th International Congress, The pain Clinic, Jerusalem, Abstract, p.15, 1992.


  29. Stendig-Lindberg G., Tepper, R., Leichter, I.

    A long-term therapeutic trial of peroral magnesium in osteoporosis.

    First International Symposium, on Magnesium and Trace Minerals,

    Chandigarh, India 1991, Magnesium 4, 210-211, 1991.


  30. Stendig-Lindberg G., Tepper, R., Leichter, I.

    Trabecular bone density in a long-term therapeutic trial of peroral magnesium in osteoporosis.

    6th International Magnesium Symposium, Indore, India 1991,

    Magnesium Research. 4, 234-235, 1991.


  31. Stendig-Lindberg G., Wacker, W.E.C.

    The Magnesium deficiency of strenuous effort.

    J Am Coll Nutr. 8 : Abstract 146, p. 463, 1989.


  32. Stendig-Lindberg G., Harsat, A., Graff, E.

    Mononuclear and erythrocyte Mg content in apparently healthy Israelis.

    J. Am Coll Nutr. 8: Abstract 132, p. 459, 1989.


  33. Stendig-Lindberg G., Harsat, A., Graff, E.

    Mononuclear and erythrocyte magnesium in apparently healthy Israelis.

    Congress on Magnesium, Tirgu-Mures, Romania.

    Abstracts, p. 50, 1989.


  34. Stendig-Lindberg G.

    Magnesium Deficiency - A sequel of strenuous effort.

    Maccabiah-Wingate International Congress on Sport Sciences.

    Scientific Program. Abstracts, p. 80, 1989.


  35. Stendig-Lindberg G.

    Magnesium therapy in deficiency - some pharmacological aspects.

    Fifth International Magnesium Symposium.

    Kyoto, Japan, Abstracts, p. 50, 1988.


  36. Stendig-Lindberg G.

    Persistent hypomagnesaemia following strenuous effort.

    J Am Coll Nutr., Abstract 81, 3, 349, 1985.


  37. Stendig-Lindberg G., Epstein, Y., Shapira, Y., Schonberger, E., Graff, E. & Wacker, W.E.C.

    Delayed hypomagnesaemia following strenuous effort.

    Proceedings of the Israeli Physiol. and Pharmacol. Soc.

    Israeli J. Med. Sci., 21, 90-91, 1985.


  38. Stendig-Lindberg G., Varon, D., Graff, E., Schonberger, E., Manoach, M.

    Divalent cations in electrically induced ventricular fibrillation and defibrillation in untreated and Dibenzepine HClR pretreated cats.

    Magnesium, Exp. and Clin. Res., 4:213, 1985.


  39. Stendig-Lindberg G., Shapira, Y., Epstein, Y., Galun, E., Schonberger, E., Graff, E., Wacker, W.E.C.

    Persistent hypomagnesaemia following strenuous effort.

    Magnesium, Exp. and Clin. Res., 4, 212, 1985.


  40. Stendig-Lindberg G. and Rudy, N.

    The factors which determine the maximum voluntary muscle contraction force (MVC) of the quadriceps femoris muscle in man.

    EEG Clin. Neurophysiol. 58, 28-29p, 1985.


  41. Stendig-Lindberg G., Graff, E., Epstein, Y., Shapira, Y., Galun, E., Schonberger, E. & Wacker, W.E.C.

    Strenuous effort causes a persistent lowering of serum magnesium.

    Regional Meeting of Int. Unions of Physiol. Sci., Jerusalem,

    Abstracts, p. 98, 1984.


  42. Varon, D., Graff, E., Schonberger, E., Manoach, M. and Stendig-Lindberg G.

    The antifibrillatory effect of dibenzepine HClR is affected by a shift of divalent cations.

    Regional Meeting of Int. Unions of Physiological Sci., Jerusalem,

    Abstracts, p.14, 1984.


  43. Stendig-Lindberg G., Epstein, Y., Shapira, Y., Schonberger, E., Graff, E. & Wacker, W.E.C.

    Delayed hypomagnesaemia following strenuous effort.  Seminual Conference.

    The Israeli Physiol. and Pharmacol. Soc., Haifa. 

    Abstracts, p. 46, 1984.


  44. Stendig-Lindberg G., Epstein, Y., Shapira, Y., Schonberger, E., Graff, E. & Wacker, W.E.C.

    Delayed hypomagnesaemia following strenuous effort.

    9th Int. Congress of Physical Med. and Rehabilitation, Jerusalem.

    Abstracts, p. 183, 1984.


  45. Stendig-Lindberg G., Epstein, Y., Shapira, Y., Rosenblum, J., Galun, E., Schonberger, E., Graff, E. & Wacker, W.E.C.

    Hypomagnesaemia following strenuous effort.

    Israeli Society for Rehabilitation Medicine and Rheumatology, Medex �83, 3rd Medical Week in Israel.  

    Abstracts, J3, 1983.


  46. Stendig-Lindberg G., Epstein, Y., Shapira, Y., Rosenblum, J., Galun, E., Schonberger, E.

    The effect of strenuous exercise on serum magnesium concentration.

    Proceedings of the First Joint Meeting of the Israeli Societies for Life Sciences,

    Hebrew University, Jerusalem, A156, 1983.


  47. Epstein, Y., Stendig-Lindberg G., Shapira, Y., Rosenblum, J., Galun, E., Schonberger, E.,Graff, E. & Wacker, W.E.C.

    The effect of exercise under severe heat load on serum magnesium.

    Proceedings of the First Joint Meeting of the Israeli Societies for Life Sciences,

    Hebrew University, Jerusalem, A155, 1983.


  48. Stendig-Lindberg G., Varon, D., Schonberger, E., Graff, E. and Manoach, M.

    The effect of electrically induced ventricular fibrillation and dibenzepin HClR administration on extracellular concentration
    of calcium and magnesium in the cat.

    Proceedings of the First Joint Meeting of the Israeli Societies for Life Sciences,

    Hebrew University, Jerusalem, A154, 1983.


  49. Stendig-Lindberg G., Rudy, N., Penciner, J., Chayne, M. and Katcharow, O.

    Serum magnesium concentration and magnesium intake in apparently healthy Israelis.

    International Conference on Diet and Nutrition, Israel.

    Program and Abstracts, p.151, 1983.


  50. Stendig-Lindberg G. and Rudy, N.

    The anthropometric and biochemical factors which determine the maximal voluntary muscle contraction force
    (MVC) of the quadriceps muscle in man.

    Meeting of the Association of Rehabilitation Medicine and Rheumatology in Israel,

    12th World Congress of Israeli Medical Association - Jerusalem, 1982.


  51. Stendig-Lindberg G. and Rudy, N.

    The factors which determine the maximum voluntary muscle contraction force (MVC) of the quadriceps femoris
    muscle in man.

    The yearly convention of the EEG and Clinical Electrophysiology Society, in association with the

    12th World Congress of Israeli Medical Association. Jerusalem, 1982.


  52. Wacker, W.E.C. Stendig-Lindberg G., Rudy, N. & Penciner, J.

    Review of dilutents for atomic absorption spectrophotometry Mg estimation.

    3rd International Symposium on Magnesium, Baden-Baden.

    Magnesium Bulletin, 3, 28, 1981.


  53. Stendig-Lindberg G. and Rudy, N.

    Intensive one year study of delirium tremens. 3rd International Symposium on Magnesium, Baden-Baden.

    Magnesium Bulletin, 3, 28, 1981.


  54. Stendig-Lindberg G.

    Prevention of back injury and correct posture at work.

    Proceedings of the First Israeli Congress of Ergonomics.

    Beth Levinstein, Raanana, Israel, 1980.


  55. Stendig-Lindberg G. and Rudy, N.

    Multivariate analysis of factors determining maximum voluntary muscle contraction force of quadriceps muscle in man.

    Advances in Medicine, Royal Med. Soc. of Great Britain.

    Abstracts, 62, 1978.


  56. Stendig-Lindberg G. and Hultman, E.

    Laboratory findings in 59 epileptics on prolonged anticonvulsant therapy.

    XIII World Congress of Rehabilitation International, Tel Aviv, Israel.

    Abstracts, p.210, 1976.


  57. Stendig-Lindberg G., Jeansson, S. and Lefvert, A.K.

    Serum magnesium concentration in viral disease.

    Second International Symposium on Magnesium, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Canada.

    Abstracts, p.82, 1976.


  58. Stendig-Lindberg G., and Hultman, E.

    Laboratory findings in 59 epileptics on prolonged anticonvulsant therapy.

    Second International Symposium on Magnesium, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Canada.

    Abstracts, p. 82, 1976.


  59. Stendig-Lindberg G., Bergstrom, J. and Hultman, E.

    Hypomagnesaemia and muscle electrolytes and metabolites.

    Second International Symposium on Magnesium, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Canada. 

    Abstracts, p.81, 1976.


  60. Stendig-Lindberg G.

    Successful treatment of two patients with asynchronous respiration and hyperventilation and cervical rhizopathy.

    Proceedings of the Swedish Society for Manual Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden, 1973.


  61. Stendig-Lindberg G.

    Asynchronous respiration: a new measuring technique.

    Proceedings of the Swedish Society for Manual Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden, 1973.


  62. Stendig-Lindberg G.

    Hypomagnesaemia and the aetiology of alcohol encephalopathies.

    Proceedings of the 30th International Congress on Alcohol and Drug Addiction,

    ICAA, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1972.


  63. Stendig-Lindberg G.

    Examination of the spinal vertebrae in somatic and psychiatric differential diagnostic problems.

    Proceedings of the Swedish Society for Manual Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden, 1971.


  64. Stendig-Lindberg G.

    A new self-image: a condition for psychiatric rehabilitation.

    Symposium on Swedish health care projects A abroad, Swedish Society of Medicine 1967.




          Member of the Editorial Board of  "Magnesium", USA ~ published until 1991.

          Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal "Magnesium Research" ~ London & Paris, since 1988.



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